Saturday, 21 October 2017

Remote viewing

Rather long pause since what happened the last post, for no particular reason.

I decided that I should make use of that old Logitech webcam that +Carl-Eric Menzel kindly donated. It's a Logitech QuickCam Pro 9000 according to lsusb, and that appears to be supported. Of course, the setup pages for webcams on Raspbian go "no configuration needed!" following by two parameters, and doesn't mention the need to install ffmpeg which is not part of the normal installion. After poking around a bit, I found this page with a rather long instruction on how to install it.  There's also this answer saying to use libav instead. Neither of which work very well. The `motion` program does better, but failed utterly at rotating.

In the end, I turned off the streaming video and set it to do a picture a second. Rotation is still broken - it tries to use ffmpeg for that, it seems, despite there being many better ways to rotate a jpg. I also had to set up a cron job to remove all the snapshots once a minute, lest the poor little 'Pi be full of jpgs. Even so, to avoid wearing out my SD card, I move the snapshot dir to a tmpfs (temporarily hosing the system due to a typo).

The webcam is mounted sideways because it's taped onto the shelving system next to the printer. It turns out to be surprisingly difficult to rotate the picture. ffmpeg can rotate video, but installing that is a large task. jpegtran can rotate a picture, but the web server keeps serving up the unrotated version. Bother, but not a huge deal.

I'm printing with a new blue filament, which is mostly behaving nicely. The oddest thing is when I printed some more of the glass markers, the side of them came out all blobby:

And then they started seemingly stripping, but in an odd way:

This may have to do with the filament being on a new spool and jumping over the side, then getting pulled tight and adding extra resistance. As long as I keep the filament from doing that, it's fine.

But now it's doing pretty well - the fan on the e3d is being a little problematic, though, I may need to replace it. I redid the floaters from before with a flat bottom to make them stick properly (Slic3r's rafts are awful, just like their supports):

And, of course, since this is a new filament, there's a Boaty McBenchface. The bottom is a little funny, because I was doing the image capture as well as using a browser on the 'Pi, which was too much for it. So the print would just stop momentarily as OctoPi couldn't get to the processor. I'm calling it carbuncles. For some odd reason, the brow of the ship is flattened, which none of the other ships show. The usual suspects are also there, like the gaps in the front deck and the hanging in the windows. plus there is a bit extra wobbliness around the windows. The bottom was nice and readable, though. So this filament just behaves a little different.

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