Friday, 26 July 2019

Blast from the Past: The Monster

As part of preparing an OpenSCAD class, I wanted to show what my old printer (nicknamed "The Monster" in FabLab) looked like. Apparently I had never posted that on this blog, so it's about time. Here's the amazing almost-but-never-quite-working McWire "The Monster" printer:


  1. This is awesome! I still have my McWire, which was a true RepStrap in that I used it to make parts for a RepRap. It's a big, heavy, almost useless piece of machinery, but I can't bring myself to get rid of it.

    1. Thank you. I didn't have enough spare space to keep it, and I never got it to the point of actually printing something, so my emotional attachment is mostly in the form of frustration. Given how much work it was to get the print right even on a Mendel90, I don't think I could ever have managed on The Monster.
